Wednesday 20250219$ ~ DANDE
|[ ] create a list of all the websitesz!?¿&Blog$z!?¿That I may have made already that are online though thinking about it and adding I missedd the 333am time minute for OCD posting though other than my and all my blog$ here with blogger/blogspot, though thinking about it I do have the list available threw my profile though I'm pretty sure I've got more earlier older blogsz made by my lost nyspa profile & yeah other than that there is no way I know of to resurrect my geocitiesz sitesz though my one myspace I'll put the link under this block of text hang on .......
Though yeah only the start from scratch byte one and the collab with one McFe$+ both done in the year of 2007 I think defsz was a full moon in July pretty sure if that year and ((also was made reality thanksz to a dude calledd Tom Ray it was his recording setup for the eyketch07 recording) & the startfromscratch1 was I think May?though defsz 2007 and was done before the full moon one and it was due to a dude calledd Steve who had the recording setup and made the suggest and provided the sped up instrumental with chorus lyrics chipmonktdd though yeah sometimes Myspace doesn't play the lyrics me rapping just the instrumental so he aware of that please thankyou
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342am Wednesday February 19th 2025 - DANDE
((&Updatedd just then @ 345am 20250219$ DANDE
3:46AM ! Damn it now 3:47am 20250219$ - D A N D E
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